STP / WTP / ETP Treatment Plant
Moon Mine is one of the leading Effluent Treatment Plant Manufacturers in India in Hooghly, India.
Water scarcity and contaminated drinking water will be a great challenge in the 21st century. Industrial wastewater of various industries undergoes a series of treatment processes before being discharged to the environment. Such Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) normally employs primary and secondary treatment methods mainly to reduce the contaminant levels in wastewater. However, due to the increased burden on natural water resources, it is now necessary to recycle and reuse wastewater to improve water utilization efficiency.
Moon Mine Technologies offers a wide variety of innovative and integrated solutions to treat highly complex wastewater containing high amounts of COD, BOD, inorganics, TDS, and other contaminants.
There are several approaches to treat and recycle wastewater depending on feed water quality and end-use. Mostly, these approaches consist of multiple steps and stages involving many individual unit operations. This may include biological treatment, multimedia filtration, activated carbon treatment, chemical softening, ion exchange units, cartridge filtration, ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis.
Moon Mine Technologies’ modular and containerized effluent treatment plants (ETP) are highly efficient, compact, and robust that allowing clients to maximize their resources in a most optimized way.
- Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) wastewater
- Wash water from dyes and intermediate to meet discharge limit
- Wastewater from leather and tannery industries
- Effluent water from food industries for treatment and reuse
- Effluent from pharma industries for treatment and recycle
- Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)
- Ultrafiltration (UF)
- Reverse Osmosis (RO)
- Forward Osmosis (FO)

Sewage Treatment Plant
A decentralized Sewage Treatment Plant (DSTP) is a wastewater treatment setup located at an individual residence or at a cluster of housing or commercial facility. It comes with a complete wastewater treatment system providing good product water quality for reuse purposes and with significantly lower maintenance.
Moon Mine Technologies is a Hooghly-based renowned Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer in India that we provide fully integrated, prefabricated and factory tested Sewage Treatment Plant for a variety of capacities ranging from 10 to 500 m3/day. The system is fully capable of removing organic & inorganic substances, colloidal particles, suspended solids, pathogens, high Mw components, etc.
If DSTP is implemented in a fully integrated fashion, it will significantly reduce the need for fresh water and in turn lower the burden on natural resources. In developing countries- especially for India- where freshwater availability is scarce, it is even more critical to consider the Decentralized Sewage Treatment Plant implemented at all scales from rural, semi-urban to urban areas.